
Thursday, December 13, 2012

She clutches the door frame
As she sinks to the floor
Her shoulders shake with sobs
And her knees rest on the carpet
She is crying silently
Not a single sound escaping
The sobs come harder now
Violently shaking her body
Her face buried in her hands
The tears falling like the rain
She sits in the dark
Alone and crying soundlessly
She crawls to the middle of the floor
Pushes the door closed and collapses
Her face buried in her arms
The only sound is her heart screaming for life
All the while
Nothing else is uttered
She doesn't know the reason behind her tears tonight
Merely that this isn't the first time
She has cried from a pained heart
Nor will it be the last
Still she never utters a sound
Her cheeks are wet
And she wipes away the tears
Alone she is unnoticed
A small footstep on the stairs is heard
Still crying she climbs in to her bed
The door opens
The lights of the hall flood in
A body id in the doorway
She feigns sleep
Her back to the door making it easy
She holds her breath to stop the convulsing
The door remains open for a few seconds more
And then it is closed again quietly
Drowning her in the peaceful darkness
It is still some while
Before her sobs subside
And only then when she is asleep
This is not the first night nor again the last
Of endless nights
That she has cried herself to sleep
Alone in the haunting darkness of her cold memories
Her pillow wet
And she silently
Always silently
Silently crying

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